Intensive Family Reunification Services


Intensive Family Reunification consists of intensive, short-term, home-based, intervention services provided to reunite children in out-of-home placement with their identified families.

Program Details

With the hands-on support from our professional and highly trained staff, family reunification can occur more quickly and with less disruption after a period of separation.

Intensive Family Reunification Services are based on the belief that families can – through intervention – improve their functioning, learn to meet the needs of their children, and gain support within their community to enable the families to be safely reunified. Families meet with a specialist for 60 to 90 days. Services are family centered and based on assessed needs.

The Intensive Family Reunification program is a three-phase program:

  • Phase 1: A family reunification specialist works directly with family members for the first 30 days. Program focus is ensuring safety in the home and the reintegration of the children back into the family home.
  • Phase 2: Family Intensive services for 8 to 10 hours a week for 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Phase 3: 90 day end-to-end services are provided to ensure continued stability of the family.


The Joint Commission

Sponsors of this Program

Missouri Department of Social Services – Children’s Division