Scattered Sites Apartment Living


Scattered Sites Apartment Living supports older youth by helping them learn and practice the skills necessary to successfully transition into adult life. Youth in the KVC-Springfield campus Transitional Living/Scattered Sites program work with KVC case managers to be matched with a licensed psychiatrist as needed, depending on individual needs and medication. Services also include apartment living, case management, employment, educational and medical services.

Program Details

The path to adulthood can be difficult at times for most. But for older youth transitioning into adulthood without all the necessary life skills, that path can be even more challenging to navigate.

Our apartment-living services are provided based on a treatment plan developed before the youth moves into apartment living. Case managers then assist with employment and education referrals, developing skills for self-sufficiency such as budgeting and shopping, and helping with transportation as needed. A vital part of this program is to link the youth with positive community resources and adult mentors.

Placements are offered in and near a KVC Missouri campus location, usually within a 40-mile radius. KVC Missouri staff meet with youth on an as-needed basis as determined by behavior and current service plan goals, ranging from daily to once a week. Staff offer support, mentoring, accountability, skills training, financial assistance and transportation, and will accompany youth for all appointments until the youth is proficient and comfortable taking over these responsibilities by him or herself. After an initial assessment period, youth are assisted in establishing therapeutic and medical services in the community.

Training and treatment interventions focus on supporting youth through the transition to greater self-sufficiency across the following domains:

  • Academic achievement: One of the primary goals of youth participating in Scattered Sites Apartment Living is to attain the highest level of education and/or vocational training possible during their enrollment in the program.
  • Job readiness: Strengthening job skills is vital in helping older youth transition to self-sufficiency and adult independence. Employment expectations are based on the youth’s educational and/or training obligations, emotional and cognitive functioning and goals outlined in the individualized service plan.
  • Community services and support: On the KVC-Springfield campus, the only staff youth work with is the KVC case manager. However, KVC Missouri has developed partnerships with agencies in the community to offer various mentorship opportunities to Transitional Living/Scattered Sites participants. The KVC Missouri Model of Care places high priority on providing case managers with the tools they need to successfully develop trusting relationships with the youth being served through the agency’s program.
  • Youth leadership: Youth participating in Scattered Sites Apartment Living are actively involved in all aspects of their day-to-day service plan. In addition, the treatment team encourages youth to engage in opportunities that promote leadership and increase developmental assets.
  • Independent living skills: A primary goal of Scattered Sites Apartment Living is to assist youth in their transition to adult independence. In order to accomplish this task, youth must achieve greater self-sufficiency across the following domains: employment, education, living situation, community life functioning, interpersonal communication skills, self-determination, emotional and behavioral well-being, physical health and parenting. KVC Missouri staff provide youth with ongoing support, feedback, and remediation in their progress towards greater self-sufficiency. Staff work with youth to learn how to manage their finances, budget for groceries and supplies and learn to keep a sanitary and safe home.

Youth in the KVC–Springfield campus Transitional Living/Scattered Sites program work with KVC case managers to be matched with a licensed psychiatrist as needed, depending on individual needs and medication.

Individual therapy and psychiatric services can be established by a KVC Missouri case manager through trusted, outside agencies. The KVC case manager can assist the youth in establishing these services, along with any outpatient substance-abuse and psychiatric services that are needed.