- About Us
KVC Missouri is a nonprofit team that’s passionate about strengthening families, preventing child abuse and neglect, and helping people achieve mental wellness. Learn about KVC Missouri.
- Services
At KVC, we want every child and adult to be safe & connected to a strong family and a healthy community. We’re proud to be a leader in innovative, effective and compassionate care. See our services and programs overview.
- Locations
Locations Across Missouri
KVC offers Missouri’s most comprehensive continuum of care with family strengthening services, foster care case management, foster parent training and licensing, children’s mental health treatment, K-12 therapeutic education and more.
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- Get Involved
Your Help Matters
There are many ways you can help make a positive impact on a child’s life.
How You Can Get Involved
- Events
KVC Missouri provides a robust offering of trainings and community outreach events to support the needs of children and families across the state.
- Resources
KVC Missouri Resources
Our free resources help you stay informed and educated about mental health, brain development and childhood trauma as well as how KVC Missouri is working toward building healthier communities.
Strong and Connected
All families go through tough times. Sometimes families face challenges that are too difficult to overcome without the support of a caring community. The Strong and Connected Program provides a path toward hope and healing for families. Strong and Connected is a nationally and internationally recognized evidence-based intervention.
How Does It Work?
- Strong and Connected includes a 14-week family program that brings families together for a meal and weekly skill building in areas such as family communication, parent supervision, family attachment, child development, and understanding risk and protective factors to navigate risk factors.
- Any family who shows signs of fatigue or needs support building bonds, enhancing communication and/or setting appropriate behavioral limits can benefit from this class.
- This program has also been used to directly impact families with an adult or juvenile who are under the supervision of county corrections.
- Already, this program has shown success nationally in reducing childhood trauma caused by the substance use of the parent, and it has boosted reunification of families in instances where traditional services weren’t as effective.
Strong and Connected participants have had a significantly higher reunification rate than families who didn’t receive this intervention. On average, a child participating in Strong and Connected spent 190 days fewer in foster care compared to youth receiving services by other means. Strong and Connected has also effectively been used in community settings to help stabilize families who are struggling. It serves as a preservation tool for atrisk families by improving family communication through a family meeting.
Since its inception, Strong and Connected has helped numerous families overcome challenges and thrive. For example, when Dan found himself struggling with navigating risk factors, he knew he was becoming disconnected from his sons and putting strain on his family. He then sought assistance and enrolled in the Strong and Connected Program. While he was anxious at first, he soon found that it was different from other rehabilitation programs in that it included role-playing and real-life interactions with his kids. The comprehensiveness of the course provided him the knowledge and confidence to become the father he knew he was.
Dan became such a believer in Strong and Connected that he comes back to visit new Strong and Connected classes whenever they start. He now provides encouragement to other families who were in a similar situation to himself, reminding them, “You’re sitting now where I once was. There is a pathway forward.”
How to Get Involved
Click here for upcoming courses.
Contact: Erin Huerta, ehuerta@kvc.org, 913-329-4251, or fill out this form:
Community Partners & Agencies
If you are a member of a child welfare organization, law enforcement, nonprofit group or faith community or another community agency we want to partner with you! Strong and Connected has been implemented across the metro in a variety of community settings. We would like to work together with you to support families in our community.
If you believe your family would benefit from the services provided by Strong and Connected. Complimentary meals and transportation are offered for those who attend.
Volunteers & Donors
We also encourage generous people in the community to help administer this program! We need volunteers and donors to assist us with providing childcare, meals and much more.
*Funded by Childrens’ Services Fund of Jackson County.